
Monday, March 1, 2021

Just a Random Update!

 Hey, folks!! Just wanted to pop in here as it's been about FOUR MONTHS since I've posted anything! Thank you for sticking around.

I just really wanted to give you an update on the status of my life. Like everyone, this pandemic has taken its toll. Luckily, my physical health along with literally everyone I know is fine. Mentally however, it's been a bit of a struggle. 

I guess it's been about 6-8 months since I stepped down from almost all the design teams I was a part of. While every one of the companies was fantastic and I loved everything about them...I was done. My creativity went on an extended vacation. It was time to give myself a break.  

I had been on various design teams for the past 6 years and honestly, it can be a full time job! Which is fine if that's actually your job, but I also work outside the home. My weekends were spent in the craft room frantically coming up with card designs, taking photos, editing photos and writing blog posts. I literally had 5 out of 7 days where something had to be published and shared. 

Now, onto social media. Ugh, what can I say? This past year has been an absolute shit-show and it really hasn't gotten any better. Most design teams communicate through "private groups" on Facebook. Which means I HAD to go on there to communicate. Which in turn led me to start scrolling through all the garbage people were posting. Which then led to a deep disgust for the people of earth. Instagram is a bit better and I have to say that's where most of my designing opportunities came from. I've also "met" some truly amazing people and crafters on that platform. But I've also come across some very fake people. And these are the people that ruin it for me. With all that being said, I am still a part of the Create A Smile Stamps Design Team (which I love!), so I do have to go on FB. Usually, it's a quick check in with the DT group and a mixed media group I'm a part of.

Mixed media, you say?! Yes, that is my new love. And the best part of that is I already had most of the supplies needed!! I've dabbled in a couple of mm canvases but mostly play in my art journal. While making cards is fun and I still do enjoy it, working in my art journal really gets the creative juices flowing! You get to play with papers, paints, pastes, stencils! And you can get messy. You can layer and layer and make mistakes and fix them. And the most important means something. It's art. Everyone of my makes, I would feel proud to throw into a frame and display. I just have never felt that way about my cards. Not saying that a handmade card isn't a work of art, it's just very different. 

You can almost tell what kind of mood I was in when each of these were created! I put it all out there when I make a page and that's exactly what I love about mixed media and my art journal.

As I mentioned, I'm still a part of Create A Smile Stamps DT. I love Christine and the laid back vibe of the team not to mention the fantastic products.  Here's a couple cards featuring CAS:

And that is what's going on with me!! I know it wasn't a quick update and there was a lot of rambling. Trust me, I could've said A LOT more hahaha!

If you're reading this, thank you for sticking around. I do want to start posting here more frequently and I promise I will try!

Hope you are safe and well, my friends!
